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I have always loved books ever since I learnt to read. The sort of person who would look at an instruction manual if there were nothing else available. Not that that has happened too often - I have tottering piles of books not to mention e books. I will read almost anything as l long as it holds my interest. Besides books. I love music, photography, cryptic crosswords and playing Fitz 1 & 2 games.
Save Me: The Most Gritty and Gripping Crime Thriller You'll Read This Year - Mandasue Heller

Have to hand it to Ellie - she certainly knows how to pick'em! She is naive beyond belief and needs a good talking to as she is extremely irritating, letting everyone walk all over her, a proper little "yes" girl. A character such as Gareth wouldn't have been in the position he was when Ellie and he first met and I felt that was really contrived, as was the complete change in another character from totally selfish to caring in just a couple of pages. It was hard to like anyone at all in this book! I found the first half a bit slow and all just a bit predictable, but did love some of the dialogue. Not as gritty or gripping as the gang land books, but still readable.